The Difference of Student’ Speaking Ability Using Learning Audio and Nonaudio Material Through Drill Method




The research objectives are to: 1) explore the average ability to speak English students majoring in English Education of UMM uses drill methods with nonaudio teaching materials; 2) explore the average English speaking ability of students majoring in English Education of UMM uses drill methods with audio teaching materials, 3) know the difference average of  English speaking ability of students majoring in English education of UMM uses drill methods with nonaudio and audio teaching materials.
The study was a quasi-experimental research. Using control and experimental classes. The use of two classes is to promote internal and external validity higher as research design. The study population was all students of third semester of Academic Year 2010/2011. The total enrollment was 209 III semesters, divided into four classes. Number of students consists of 57 class A, 57 class B49 class C, and 46 class D.
Based on the results and discussion, the researchers concluded that the achievements of learning English Speaking ability was improved by using media equipped with audio and proper drill methods. Based on the above conclusion, it can be suggested some of the following: 1) Using the audio features of teaching materials to enhance the ability to speak; 2) The frequency of exercise should be sufficient 30 to 60 minutes a day, divided into several times, 30 minutes 2 times a a day. Time can be anytime of the day. 3) At the time of listening, to get the most, while students have to say things that are played.

I.         Introduction
1.1    Problem Background

Language has a central role in the learners development in respect with intellectual, social, and emotional and support the learning success of all fields of study. Language learning is expected to help students knowing themselves, their culture, and cultures of others. In addition, language learning helps learners are able to express ideas and feelings, participate in society, and even find and use the analytical and imaginative skills that exist within him. The fact shows that Indonesia is weak in communicating with other nations. The low compe-titiveness of Indonesian indicated by the lack of ability to communicate with other nations (Yamin and Ansari, 2008:3). This includes the ability to speak English. English teaching should be the main  solution of fostering the ability to communicate with other people.

English is a tool to communicate both oral and in written. Communication is to understand and express information, thoughts, feelings, and develop science, technology, and culture. Communication ability is the ability of discoursing,understanding and producing oral and or written text  realized in to four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. The fourth capability is used to respond or to create a discourse in the life of community. Therefore, the English subject is directed to develop these skills so that graduates are able to communicate in English language and to discourse at a certain level of literacy. Instructional of English speaking is supposed to promote students be more actively involved. In order for students be more actively involved, English instruction should apply various kind of methods. Students’ interaction can be drilling activity.

At students of  beginning semester, habituation to hear and try to say the word, a sentence in English is very promising for the development of speech. Exercise is a suitable method to provide emphasis when aspects of skills to be a key objective in the learning process. High consistency of practice will ultimately improve the ability to speak English. In fact, the ability to speak English students majoring in English education Muhammadiyah University of Metro (UMM) is still low. Low ability to speak English is evidenced from the achievement of speaking on the previous semester, which is shown in Table 1.1 below

Table 1.1 Speaking ability achievement of English students even semester  Year Academic 2009/2010 

Very good

Source: Report of the semester achievement of  English speaking lecturer II

Low ability to speak English is one of UMM students due to low motivation to learn to speak English. The students are less motivated to train himself to speak with his friends to improve his abilities. Most of the students argued that, very difficult to move the organ sound to produce the correct pronunciation so fluent speech. Low motivation because they also fear of producing  wrong set of words or grammar when trying to communicate in English. This condition shows that intrinsic motivation, most of the students, is low  to train themselves so that they each have the ability to speak proper English. Due to the low intrinsic motivation, the need for extrinsic motivational stimuli.

The low intrinsic motivation of students UMM English language courses to improve English speaking ability, can be seen from the exercise frequency data obtained by researchers through questionnaires. Frequency data speak English exercises shown on Table 1.2 below.

 Table 1.2 Exercise frequency data of English speaking, student semester of Academic Year  2009/2010

Every day

Every time when English speaking source available

Everytime when anyone available

Only at speaking subject

Source: Results of the deployment exercise frequency questionnaire of English speaking

The above table shows that most students only train the ability to speak English only during the learning process of speaking subjects. Low ability to speak English, lack of intrinsic motivation to practice verbal skills, not to use audio-equipped teaching materials in demanding evidence of learning speaking empirically com-pared with the use of training methods and teaching materials without the necessary audio.

1.2    Problem Identification
Based on the above background, can be identified several issues, namely:
1)        The ability to speak English, students majoring in English education UMM, is still low;
2)        Method of exercise has not been used optimally in the lecture speaking;
3)        Students learning  motivation to improve their English speaking is low;
4)        Using no audio-based teaching materials in the lecture speaking.
5)        No empowering of  audio equipment owned by students for speaking instruction media

1.3    Problem Formulation
Problem is formulated as follows:
1)        What is the average ability to speak English students majoring in English education of UMM uses training methods and teaching materials using no audio?
2)        What is the average ability to speak English students majoring in English education of UMM uses training methods and teaching materials using audio?
3)        What is the average difference in the ability to speak English students majoring in English education of UMM uses training methods and materials using no audio and  audio?

1.4    Research Objective
The research objective is to:
1)        know the average English speaking ability of students majoring in English education of UMM uses training methods and teaching materials using audio?
2)        know the average English speaking ability of students majoring in English education of UMM uses training methods and teaching materials using audio?
3)        know the difference in the average ability to speak English students majoring in English education UMM uses training methods and materials using no audio and audio?

II.      Theoretical Review
2.1  Speaking Ability

Measurement of speech is indeed difficult, especially in terms of administering. The difficulty of the measurements made so by its nature, are only approaches. There are several approaches to perform such measurements, namely: (1) reading aloud, (2) mutual exchange of conversation, (3) the use of images to help generating  pronunciation, (4) an oral interview (Heaton, 1991: 89-96). Heaton further provides several predicates for a person who has the ability to speak English in Table 2.1 as follows:

Tabel 2.1 English Speaking Ability Level

Speaking with an educated native speaker, students can fully use English with ease on all topics discussed
Very good
Although students can not be like a native speaker, students can express themselves clearly. The students had little difficulty in understanding English, and no tension at all when talking with native speakers.
Verbal communication gives a bit of difficulty for native speakers. Students made ​​some grammar mistakes, Lexis, and pronounciation but students will still be relaxed in everyday conversation. Students must fix itself because there is a little bit difficult to understand conversation
Fairly Satisfactory
There are still difficulties to communicate with native speakers
Much Difficulty

Comprehension is very limited, but communication in daily conversations can be done. Many errors in phonology, grammar or  lexical
Extreme difficulty

Very difficult when communicating on a variety of subjects. Failed to adequately understand and make themselves understood

Tabel 2.2 Oral Proficiency Test Scoring Categories
Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker
Be able to use the language accurately on all levels normally pertinent to professional needs. Error in grammar are quite rare
Control of grammar is good. Be able to speak the language with sufficient structural accuracy to participate effectively in most formal and informal conversation on practical, social, and professional topics
Can usually handle elementary construction quite accurately but does not have thorough or confident control of grammar
Errors in grammar are frequent, but speaker can be understood by native speaker used to dealing with foreigners attempating to speak his langauge

Speech on all level is fully accepted by educated native speakers, in all its features, including breadth of vocabulary and idioms, colloquialism, and pertinent cultural references
Can understand ad participate in any conversation within the range of his experience with a high degree of precision of vocabulary
Be able to speak the language with sufficient to vocabulary participate effectively in most formal and informal conversations on practical, social, and professional topics. Vocabulary is broad enough that he rarely has to grope for word
Has speaking vocabulary sufficient to express himself simply with some  circumlocutions
Speaking vocabulary inadequate to express anything but the most elementary needs

Equivalent to and fully accepted by educated native speakers
Errors in pronunciation are quite rare
Errors never interface with understanding and rarely disturb the native speaker. Accent may be obviously foreign
Accent is intelligible though often quite faulty
Errors in pronunciation are frequent, but can be understood by a native speaker used to dealing with foreigner attempting to speak his language

Has complete fluency in the language such that his speech is fully accepted by educated native speakers
Be able to use the language fluently on all levels normally pertinent to professional needs. Can participate in any conversation within the range of this experience with a high degree of fluency
Can discuss particular interests of competence with reasonable ease. Rarely has to grope for words
Can handle with confidence but not with facility most social situations, including introductions and causal conversations about current events, as well as work, family, and autobiographical information
No specific fleuncy description refer to other four language areas for implied level of fluency

Equivalent  to that of an educated native speaker
Can understand any conversation within the range of his experience
Comprehension is quite complete at a normal rate of speech
Can get the gist of most conversations of non technical subjects (i.e. topics that require no specialized knowledge)
Within the scope of his very limited language experience, can understand simple questions and statement if delivered with slowed speech, repetition, or paraphrase

Arrangement of the criteria as a benchmark for measurement, it must first review the criteria and scoring the oral speech (rubric) clearly. For the purposes of the class and most of the campus faculty can lower these criteria in accordance with the expected mastered the ability to speak after learning. Specifically speaking skills section consisted of six levels on the levels preintermediate (Heaton, 1991:99). Of the six levels, it is difficult to achieve by the students, and thus the research will only be used for up to four levels of course. To measure students’ ability to speak. The ability to speak is learning achievements that can be used as an indicator of of learning approaches efficacy under different conditions.

Assessment of the ability to speak further clarified with the scoring criteria by Brown. Brown (2001:406) stated there are five aspects of speech to be tested, namely grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, pronunciation and fluency. Scoring criteria are shown, can be seen in Table 2.2. Scores obtained by each component is multiplied by four, so the number of the highest score is 100. It was concluded that the ability to speak is the extent to which a person express their opinions or thoughts and feelings to another person or group verbally, either face to face or by distance.

2.2  Drill Method
Instructional method is part of the instructional strategies, instructional methods serve as a way to present, describe, give examples, and provide training to students to achieve specific goals. Many instructional methods that can be used in presenting lessons to students, one of them is a method of exercise. The most appropriate method should be tailored to the characteristics of the material and learning objectives. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. Some of the considerations that must be done by teachers in selecting appropriate teaching methods and accurateness, these considerations should be based on the determination of material characteristics and student characteristics.

Drill or exercise is a way of teaching by providing exercises to what has been learned so that students acquire a certain ability. The word exercise means that something has been repeated, but nevertheless among the first  the situation of learning with a realistic learning situation, he would try to train his ability better. When studying situation changed the condition that demands a response, then the ability will be improved.

2.2.1  Steps of Drill Method
At the beginning of the meeting, title to subject the material submitted in advance, according to the contract contained in the lectures. Lecturers deliver drill method, as follows: 1) reading and listening audio material , 2) pronounce, 3) try to say the conversation or story telling is contained in the material. Furthermore, after the students were given the opportunity to do steps 1, 2, and 3, each student was given the opportunity to practice communication with teachers. For the next meeting materials, lecturers give assignments to each student to practice speaking skills as it is available in the material. In this way of the second meeting, the third and so on, at campus, lecturers and examiners conduct experiments peer live conversations that have been trained by the students themselves. But exactly as other teaching methods, training methods also have advantages and disadvantages.

2.3 Teaching Material
Instructional media was actually not the only form of tools and materials, but all of which can enable students acquire the knowledge and experience. According to Gerlach and Ely (1980) in Sanjaya (2007: 163) states "A medium, conceived is any person, material condition or event establishs That the which enable the learner to acquire knowledge, skill, and attitude." In general the media covers the , materials, equipment, or activities that create conditions that allow students to gain knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Thus the media is not only a tool in the form of TV, Radio, slides, printed materials, but includes a person or human being as a learning resource or activity is also a kind of discussions, seminars, field trips, all of which made ​​possible the simulation can add insight, knowledge and change one's attitude .

According Djamarah (1996:140) media can be seen from the classification of its kind, input power, and of material and weave. Likewise with instructional media, it can be classified into three groups. According Fathurrohman (2007:67) viewing the media type, it is divided into the media auditory, visual, and audiovisual media. A description of the types of learning media are: 1) auditory media, the media rely on learning the sounds, such as radios and tape recorders, 2) visual media, the media rely on learning the sense of sight, such as photographs, drawings, paintings, silent film, printed matter, 3) audiovisual media, ie media that rely on hearing and vision at the same time, the television or movie sound. The use of appropriate teaching materials with learning styles, will increase retention and facilitate internalization of the learning process.

2.3.1 The Use of Nonaudio Instructional Materials
Nonaudio teaching materials is one of the visual media. At this time the development of teaching materials that are used as the medium of English language learning more and more widespread, and is freely available on the websites on the internet. Ease of access enables the lecturers and teachers obtain various media either auditory, visual, and audiovisual media easily and use them in the lecture. Use of nonaudio materials is a proper utilization of instructional media such as text transcript of short stories as an ingredient in developing the ability to speak.

2.3.2 The Use of Audio Instructional Materials
Teaching materials audio equipped is auditive media type. This kind of media readily available on various sites teaching English on-line. Such materials, not only equipped with audio, but also comes with a transcript, the explanation related to the vocabulary and  difficult idioms are served well. The Conditioning is to facilitate  users to learn and practice using the media and get the learning objectives to be achieved. Use of audio materials is the use of media text transcript of the short stories. They are also packed in the audio file as an ingredient in developing the ability to speak.

2.4  Framework Thinking
Developing one's speaking ability is strongly influenced by how the person familiarize himself listening to something, then the brain to stimuli organ sound to produce a sound similar to what has been heard. Train means getting used to condition in accordance with what the objectives. Train yourself to listen to the material means increasing the frequency of stimulation to the organ sound to produce the corresponding sound. Thus, to develop the ability to speak to its full potential it is very likely done using the method of exercise on the material that has audio.

2.5  Hypothesis
Based on the theoretical support in the previous section, the hypothesis of the study. there are 3 hypothesis, two of which are descriptive hypotheses, and a comparative hypothesis. Comparative hypothesis formulated verbally "The average English speaking ability of students to practice using teaching materials beraudio higher than students who practiced using instructional materials nonaudio".

III.   Research Method
3.1  Design

This study was queasi experiment. The study aims to compare two different materials using a method of learning to the achievement of student speech. Thus to obtain research results that have a high validity and relia-bility, required an adequate design. Consider the number of members of the population, internal and external validity, the researcher used two groups were randomized design with pretest and postes. This design is commonly called the "Subjects Randomized, pretest-posttest Control Group Design"

Variabel Terikat
Gambar 3.1 Randomized subject pretest posttest design
R         = Random
Y1        = Pretest
X         = Treatment
Y2        = Postest

The design of two randomized groups through pretest and postes has several advantages. Randomization is necessary to maintain internal validity. Randomization was performed in the placement of subjects into each class. The concept of equivalence in experimental studies require randomization can only be done in groups with similar attributes. Indeed randomization procedure is ideal in all randomize the placement of members of the population into groups, but because of the variable differences randomization is only possible in the same attribute variables (Kerlinger, 2006: 562).

3.2 Place and Research Time
The study was conducted in the English Department at UMM Student, semester III of Academic Year 2010/2011. UMM is located at Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara No. 116 Iringmulyo Metro City, Tel / Fax. (0725) 42445-42454. The experiment was conducted from August to October 2011. The schedule based on lecturer’schedule.

3.3 Population Sampling Technique, and Sample

The study population was all students of third semester of Academic Year 2010/2011. The total enrollment was 209 III semesters, divided into four classes. Number of students consists of 57 class A, class B comprises 57, consists of 49 class C and class D consists of 46. Sampling technique used is a probability sampling technique, or at random. Random means that every subject had an equal chance to be sampled (Woolfolk, 2004:12). Researcher choses to use random cluster sampling technique.

Samples according to Sukardi (2005:54) is part of the population selected for the data source is called the sample or samples. Samples are expected to be able to represent the population, because the results obtained will be applied to members of the population. The amount of sample in the study according to Ary translated by Furchan (1982:198) states that "No single rule can ever be used to determine the amount of sample. The larger sample used in this study allows the less likely drift data obtained ".

3.4  Data Collecting data

Necessary data in the study obtained by the test instrument. Test instrument used was a performance test. Perfor-mance test is a basic method to get data about the ability to speak English student learning using learning audio and nonaudio materials comes through training methods. Performance tests conducted using the instrument check list. Performance test was conducted in two stages: 1) stage monologues, 2) stage of the dialogue.

3.5  Instrument
Calibration instruments generally consist of validity and reliability. The validity of  of logic is obtained on the basis of thought, the validity of which is obtained by thinking logically. The validity of the logic in this case facilitated by the creation spesification table and non test instruments through theoretical understanding of the literature review related to the substance to be measured. The validity of the logic consists of two elements, 1) and content validity, 2) the validity of the construction. It is logic when the instrument measures what should be measured. The validity of assessment instruments used in the speech is construct validity and content. In this case Table 2.2 Scoring Categories Oral Proficiency Test is a table that has met the elements of construct validity and content as quoted from the experts.

Reliability was calculated using the formula for Cohen's Kappa. Cohen's Kappa formula used to test the reliability of the observation sheet (Arikunto, 2006: 208). the formula is

After calculating the above formula is complete, the data is then entered into the following formula:

Po originated from

where S is the Agreement, the same code for the same object, N1 and N2 is the amount of code that made ​​observers 1 and 2. Rate coefficient of agreement (KK) is getting close to 1 will get better and should not be below 0.50 means that the elements of observation in an instrument has had a lot in common when used in the field by two observers. "After all attempts to be neutral observers, subjectivity itself would still accompany the activity so that the result be not 100% objective" (Arikunto, 2006:199). The calculation result shows the reliability of the instrument families of 0.80. Thus it can be said that the speaking assessment instruments have high reliability and can be used in the study.

3.6 Data Analysis Technique

Data Normality Tests performed using SPSS 13.0 for windows. Normality test can be performed with test functions Frequence or Descriptive. The normality test results are as follows:

Table 3.1 Description of research data

Based on the above table can be explained that the standard error of the mean for grade control and experi-mental class 1:02 1.10. Standard deviation 7.20. Control and experimental class 6.80. Skewness value control and experimental class -0.09 -0.44. 0f the standard error of skewness value is 0.35 for both classes. Value of -0.825 and 0.495 kurtosis. Standard error of 0.70 kurtosis test criteria used is if the value of skewness  of pretest and post-test after the results of the analysis performed in SPSS range of -0.5 to 0.5 it means that data are normally distributed. Table 4.5 shows the value of skewness for the pretest value of -0.420 and 0.002 for postest. Both the value of skewness is still in the range of -0.5 sd 0.5 which means that the data from each normally distributed.

Another way is done by comparing the value of skewness with std error of skewness. Based on Table 4.5 Output value of normality test can be compared:

Skewness value of -0.391 for the pretest value, and then compared to Std. Error of Skewness 0.269 on the pretest value. Skewness value of -0.391 for the pretest value, and then compared to Std. Error of Skewness 0.269 on the pretest value. Test criteria in this way is if the ratio value in the range -2 to 2 means that the data were normally distributed value ratio of both data and postes pretest value of each show is in the range of -2 to 2 so it can be stated that both the pretest and postest data are normally distributed.

IV.   Result and Discussion
4.1 Result
4.1.1 Data Description

Description of research data from  control and experiment class shown in the table below.

Tabel 4.1 Statistik data penelitian

4.1.2 Hypothesis Test
Hypothesis testing conducted after the test for normality of the data. Normality test results indicate that the data are normally distributed. The results of hypothesis testing using t-test showed the following results. Results of paired sample correlation is shown in Table 4.2 below.

Table 4.2 Paired sample correlation
Correlation between the average score of the control and experiments class is 0.212 with a significance of 0.167. The correlation is shown a low correlation. This means that there is no relationship between the two scores obtained from the use of different materials.

Hypothesis test results shown in Table 4.3 below.

Tabel 4.3 Paired sample mean test
Test criteria used is that if α <0.05 then accept ha, reject ho. Α value of 0.00 <0.05, thus ha accepted and ho rejected. This means that there are differences in the average ability of students to speak English using audio and nonaudio media using the drill method. Other test criteria used is if the t count> t table, then accept ha, reject ho. The results show the value of 4.237 t count> t table. Thereby accept ha and reject ho.

4.2 Discussion
The results showed that the average English speaking ability of students, via drill method using  audio is different from nonaudio material. Even according to the description of the data, the average student to drill speaking skills using teaching audio materials is higher than nonaudio. Thus, demonstrated empirically that the development of language skills to be better when the learner of English listening exercises and familiarize himself with the audio materials at the same time observing transcript.

Play the voice of native speakers, stimulate organs to produce the same sound  . The similarity of the resulting sound affects student language skills including grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. These elements are elements in the assessment of language skills. The ability to speak grammatically correct is well trained by itself. This occurs because of habituation, so that the patterns of sentences spoken by the students of naturally occurring and not think about, but it just happens. True, that often they make grammatical errors in pronunciation, but this is a learning process, they learn from mistakes. This is similar to what is conveyed by Regan (2000:1) that "Let the students make-mistakes. They need to. We all learn best through making mistakes. Trial and error is the name of the game ".

Grammar is often a frightening specter for the students when they would show language skills. Fear of making mistakes in grammar often makes them less free himself to express and think calmly. To deal with this, researchers at every opportunity gives motivation not to worry associated with the use of grammar. Let the grammar is running by itself. Even if necessary, forget the problems of grammar, students should focus on listening and good pronunciation building.

It is difficult to master all five elements in the performance of the speech, when the effort of the five elements are made ​​only through reading, but not by practice. To master these five elements, the main door is "Listening". Getting used to listen to over and over again will lead the student to have a conversation naturally smoothly. This is as it was delivered Haugh et all (2008) states that "Listening is the key to get English Fluency, you must have a lot of understandable repetitive listening". This means that the more students practice listening to material that is understandable, students will gain fluency in speech.

In fact because of the twelve materials have been given at the beginning of the meeting, then the student has the opportunity to explore the material, then prepare a strategy for each practice to master the content of the material and practicing speaking in their homes. Winamp audio file form that can be stored in the phones of the students, so by using a hands free facility, the students can practice listening to material that beraudio whenever they want. They are practicing, try it, one and try again. Errors refine their speaking ability. When it arrived in time they tested their ability by teachers, they tried to show the best.

In psychology, increasing the ability of a person in control of proper pronunciation, giving high confidence to students concerned, so that they have the courage to express their vocabulary or sentences that are derived from the audio-based teaching materials and even to improvise. Improvisation is intended to train students' ability to understand the content of the material. Students' understanding of the content visible when they are able to answer questions related to reasoning based on the content of the material being studied. Another phenomenon which is shown at the time of learning to use the audio features of teaching materials is the presence of high external motivation. The students are motivated to train hard. This is because exercise patterns using audio materials has not been common practice, to be an interesting thing to do. The scoring system is given as teaching learning activitie in progress and other award-reinforcement in the form of verbal reinforcement.

Something new or unusual often be an interesting thing to do, open scoring system, giving verbal reinforcement extrinsic motivation. This is in accordance with Woolfolk’s opinion. Woolfolk (2004:351) says "When we do something in order to earn a grade, avoid punishment, please the teacher, or for some other reason has very little that to do with the task Itself, we experience extrinsic motivation ". Thus, because of low student intrinsic motivation to improve their English speaking abilty, methods of training using audio materials has put pressure on extrinsic motivation.

Learning patterns was done by a scoring system which can be seen directly after the learning process has been completed, even the students themselves who wrote the score in the field provided. Scoring in this way is done only on the activities of daily lectures, whereas at the end of the proficiency testing activities, assessments conducted by the researchers themselves. Extrinsic motivation is sustained by the verbal reinforcement, treatment and results are transparent, direct the students to transform them into a single stimulation of intrinsic motivation.

The fact that there is internalization of extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation can be viewed from many student scores increased significantly from pretest scores compared than postest scores. The results of the pretest score of the students are initially low, but once they get the treatment method of training using audio-equipped teaching materials, a high score to increase their postest. Thus it can be argued that extrinsic motivation has been given the intrinsic motivation, so the desire to get high scores, praise became number two after their desire to prove himself as a student who has the ability to speak good English.

In the end, when the intrinsic motivation of a person decreses, then the role of extrinsic motivation will stimulate intrinsic motivation and even increase it. This is according to the opinion of Coving and Mueller as it was cited by Woolfolk (2004:352) who states that "Intrinsic and extrinsic tendencies are two independent possibilities, and, at any given time, we can be both motivated by some of each". Often affected by the intrinsic tendency of extrinsic stimuli or vice versa. A student may have had a high intrinsic motivation, but because they never get the praise or recognition of performance, intrinsic motivation is decreased or even disappeared altogether, otherwise a student who had a low intrinsic motivation, given extrinsic stimuli as a consistent and appropriate treatment, his or her intrinsic motivation will grow and well maintained

At the beginning of lecture activity, there is only one tester, the researchers only, who do the testing ability to speak English. Students only get very little time to test their ability to speak in class speaking. This condition is a barrier to providing adequate opportunities for students in exploring the ability to speak English. Exploration is associated with the five elements of assessment: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency, and compre-hension. To overcome this, research involved several students with better ability to speak  to be a tester peer. On each course there are five to seven examiners empowered. Thus the allocation of speaking time per student grew more and more inadequate to provide exploration opportunities.

Something that is significantly different is pronunciation and fluency. Students who used the nonudio materials, pronunciation of words in the English language is much inadequate to form a good pronunciation. This happens because, they were just trying to practice his pronunciation of the transcript without the sample. Unlike the students who use audio-equipped teaching materials. They got the pronunciation examples that comes from listening to the audio material. Thus they can independently compare pronunciations spoken by their own pronunciation by native speakers. Utterance repetitions improve their pronunciation skills. Correct pronunciation, enabling them to speak fluently, because what would say it flows by itself. The better the ability, the more fluently speaking they are.

On the elements of understanding, students were trained to listen to audio materials, were better able to grasp the meaning and express intention of the existing understanding of the material. These capabilities are increasing rapidly, as more and more material that has been heard before. This happens because they can catch phrases used by the examiners of peers, so the likelihood of miscommunication to a minimum can be avoided. Thus there will be interactive communication between students with peers testers.

It is indisputable, that the use of continuous drill methods lead to feelings of boredom of the students. Even the bad side, causing verbalisme, know the word but do not know the meaning. When these symptoms occur, the need for change in the atmosphere, such as providing motivation through the stories and things that touch the feelings. This step is done to neutralize the boredom and give new energy. At this time a teacher can bring his personal interest to share experiences and stories use the English language and provoke questions from the students using English. This is consistent with the suggestion Harmer (1998:2) states that "Teachers should not be afraid to bring their own interests and lives into the classroom (within reason, of course)". Bringing interests and personal life with good reason is something not to be feared by the teachers.

Application of drill methods using audio materials is done routinely but not tied to a specific time. For example, 60 minutes, but for 4 or 2 times a day. Each exercise performed with a duration of 15 to 30 minutes. Because the use of audio equipment, then listening exercises can be done while working on other tasks.

V.      Conclusion and Suggestion
5.1 Conclusion

Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the ability to speak English students who use the drill method and audio materials are different from nonaudio materials. The ability to speak English students who used the drill method  and audio materials are higher than nonaudio. This is evidenced by the results of testing the hypothesis that:
1)        mean difference between control and experimental class is 5.66;
2)        standard deviation differences of both class is 8.86;
3)        standard error of standard deviation differences of both classes is 1,34;
4)        significance level differences is 95% of lower and 8.35 of upper 2.96;
5)        t calculated is 4.237 at df 43 and
6)        the significance (α) the two parties is 0.00.

5.2 Suggestion
Based on the above conclusion, it can be suggested some of the following:
1)        Using the audio features of teaching materials to enhance the ability to speak;
2)        The frequency of exercise should be sufficient 30 to 60 minutes a day, divided into several times, 30 minutes 2 times a day. Time can be anytime of the day.
3)        At the time of listening, to get the most impact, while students have to say things that are played.

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